Holly Ritzinger


My culinary training and life experiences span a broad range: from serving to cooking with renown chefs in fine dining establishments, to tending bar in a gritty rock club, corporate manager to full-time mom (and chef) of three. Through it all there has been these consistent threads: My love of food; my family's health and happiness; the soul nourishing value of creativity. I love food. I love cooking it, eating it, shopping for it, growing it, selling it, reading about it or discovering it. I adore it all. My family and their health and happiness is paramount. For several years we have been faced with various health challenges. I have come to realize the cause or prevention for each of our health challenge is; nutrition. Being creative with food has evolved and switched focus in my lifetime but my passion has remained. So there you have it, my trinity: Food, Family, and Creativity. I look forward to furthering my knowledge and experiences, and to sharing the journey with you.